Industries: iGaming

Enforcing code quality across Microservices with Snyk security audit tool

In today's fast-paced development landscape, ensuring the security and code quality of microservices can be a daunting task. As an organization that relies heavily on microservices architecture, we faced the challenge of maintaining code quality and security across a multitude of services, some of which had been in operation for quite some time. To address this challenge, we embarked on a journey to integrate the Snyk Security Audit Tool into our development pipeline. This case study outlines our approach, the solutions we implemented, and the results we achieved.


At the heart of our solution was the integration of the Snyk Security Audit Tool, a powerful platform known for its ability to identify vulnerabilities in open-source libraries and containers.

The core features of Snyk that we leveraged included:

Snyk Dashboard

All our developers gained access to the Snyk dashboard, which provided a user-friendly overview of reports categorized by team owners. This central dashboard became the hub for tracking code quality and security issues across all microservices.

Grace Period

The security team introduced a grace period before enforcing code quality standards. During this period, the focus was on resolving all issues with high severity scores without introducing new ones. This approach allowed teams to address critical issues gradually without overwhelming them.

Dependency Updates

Given that some components were older and had not been extended for some time, they were deemed risky. To mitigate this risk, we prioritized updating dependencies, including libraries, to more recent versions. This often led to challenges such as missing classes or altered behavior, necessitating code refactoring when required.

Code Changes Enforcement

After the grace period, it was decided to enforce a code changes stoppage until all reported issues were resolved. Exceptions were made for urgent hotfixes, but the overall goal was to encourage teams to allocate time and effort to bring most components to an acceptable state.

CLI Tool

Snyk provides a Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool that developers found invaluable. They could monitor their branches before opening pull requests, ensuring that code quality and security issues were addressed preemptively. Opening a pull request triggered code inspection, and all reports were closely monitored by the security team.


Code owners were held responsible for adhering to the defined terms and resolving identified issues promptly. This accountability ensured that the teams were actively engaged in maintaining code quality and security.


The integration of the Snyk Security Audit Tool and the enforcement of code quality standards across our microservices architecture yielded several significant results:

Enhanced Security:

Vulnerabilities in open-source libraries were identified and addressed proactively, reducing the risk of security breaches.

Improved Code Quality:

Code quality improved as issues were systematically resolved, resulting in more maintainable and reliable microservices.

Streamlined Development:

The CLI tool allowed developers to catch code issues early in the development process, reducing the effort required for later-stage bug fixes.


Code owners took ownership of their code's security and quality, fostering a culture of responsibility and collaboration.

Reduced Technical Debt:

The update of dependencies and code refactoring reduced technical debt, making it easier to maintain and extend microservices.


The organization was better positioned to meet compliance requirements with fewer security vulnerabilities and improved code quality.

Final words

In conclusion, integrating the Snyk Security Audit Tool into our development pipeline and enforcing code quality standards across all microservices proved to be a successful strategy. It not only improved security and code quality but also fostered a culture of responsibility and collaboration among development teams. This case study highlights the importance of proactive measures in maintaining the integrity and security of microservices in a dynamic software development environment.

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